Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Okay, lets not overestimate the cultural significance of American Idol. It’s basically just the Gong Show when you get at it’s core. Silly Karaoke riding multiple fads with a big money payout to the winner and even bigger profits for it’s producers. Fire them up, ride ‘em until they burn out. True to all pop music roots.

Here however, is my problem. Every hour, minute and second that the supremely under talented, wife beating tub of shit Scott Sabol remains on the show, it exposes it for the farce that it is. There is obviously a lot of brain damaged people in possession of speed dial. Either that or enough people with issues against Simon that they would vote for the guy to spite the judge. Give it up. Face the truth. The guy cannot sing. He is a joke. It’s demeaning to the better singers that have been voted off and to him for having to play the clown when he knows he doesn’t belong.

I’m not even going to dignify the results show with a response. Constantine wasn’t the best singer but he is the top performer head & shoulders above the others. Not that it matters, Carrie Underwood was the favorite, is the favorite and is money in the bank to win the whole thing. She, not coincidentally, is by far, the best singer in the competition.

Idol report

Well, as if there is any doubt on the part of anyone, Scott is gone tonight. The interesting thing to see will be the other 2 in the bottom. The 3 worst performances were Scott, Carrie & Constantine (who's lame hardcore band got signed) but I think the latter 2 could come out and moo over a G chord for a few minutes and move on. I suppose my prediction for the bottom 3 are Scott, Anthony & Bo. That's just a feeling. I dont think there's any way in the world Carrie & Constantine see the bottom 3. Could be wrong, we'll see.