The details of the new release of Blade Runner have been released.
Blade Runner 5 Disc Special Edition
Disc 1 - The Final Cut (2007):
Ridley Scott’s definitive new version. Deleted and extended scenes edited into the film, extra dialogue, better - and sometimes just plain new -special effects.
Disc 2 - Three Complete Versions of the film:
The 1982 US Theatrical version
The 1982 International Theatrical version
The1992 "Director’s Cut”
Disc 3 - Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner
A newly minted documentary. Described as "mainstream-friendly yet meaningful”. Will cover everything from the birth of Dick’s original book to the legacy (that is, rip-offs) of the feature film.
Disc 4 – Bonus Material:
Divided into the categories Inception, Pre-production, Production, Post-production, Release and Legacy.
Disc 5 - Work Print Version & More Bonus Material:
This may include Channel 4’s Edge of Bladerunner doc.