Sunday, March 09, 2008

Why I don't do Manga

I am terrible at Manga. I have no earthly clue as to how to approach the stuff. Recently however, I had an opportunity to submit to a very high paying job so I took a shot. As you can see, this was a major mistake on my part. Needless to say, I didn't get the gig.

- k

I have risen....

Okay, no excuse. I stopped blogging because a) no one cares b) I don't care & c) since I stopped writing to column, there's no motivation anymore. There still isn't but I need to feel like I'm doing something so I think I'll turn this completely into a sketch/micro fiction blog.

The first story is complete nonsense. I wrote it testing a free word processor because my free trial of MS Work whatever version is about to run out. I'm probably going to download Open Office as a replacement but anyway .... I was testing another free program (I forget the name) and came up with this. I laugh every time I read it. I'm probably alone in my enthusiasm but anyway, here 'tis:

My Name Is Mud
Plot for one page
Keith Dotson

1) Mud was having a very hard time with her name. It wasn't so much that she was the object of scorn and ridicule, that would've been the case even without the peculiar nom de plume. No, Mud had a much worse problem. The rain season.

2) Mud's new problem was the fact that her goddamn word processor was a piece of shit. So, in panel three:

3) She chucked it out the window

4) Hitting an innocent bystander. Now Mud is on the run. "An adventure!" she thinks.
