Saturday, September 24, 2005

Tim Bradstreet interview

Click on the image above.

This turned out really well. Mr. Bradstreet was very generous with his time and open with his answers, even when the questions were rather lame. Very cool guy.

I'm in the process of interviewing a couple more people but it's too early to say who yet.

Comics in Time

I have a new column I'm going to be writing over at Comic Avalanche called "Comics in Time", where every week I'll be reviewing old comics. My first review with be "Master of Kung Fu" #105. It should be very good. Check 'em out at

This will in no way interfere with my work for the pulse, which I'll blog the link to my latest interview momentarily.

Yahoo group

Galactica finale

Originally uploaded by planetshred.

Well after a bit of a sub-par season, at least compared to the first one, Battlestar Galactica more than made up for it in my estimation with a bitching season finale last night.

The last few minutes especially were really exciting and set the stage for a very promising return in January. I personally can't wait.

I still haven't gotten the dvd set of season one but that's just a formality at this point. Very cool.